Here is code for signup.jsx: import React from ‘react’import {Button, Label, TextInput} from ‘flowbite-react’import { Link } from ‘react-router-dom’ const Signup = …

Write a function in index.js:- app.use((err, req, res, next)=>{    const statusCode=err.statusCode || 500;    const message=err.message || “Internal Server Error”;    …

Install a package – npm i bcryptjs import it in auth.controller.js – import bcryptjs from ‘bcryptjs’ Add marked two line of code …

Create a route file “auth.route.js” in “routes” folder. auth.route.js: – import express from ‘express’ import { signup } from ‘../controllers/auth.controller.js’; const router=express.Router(); …

Add below given text in index.js: – app.get(‘/test’, (req, res)=>{ res.json({message:”API is working”}) }) Create a folder “routes” in “api” folder. Create …

Create a folder “models” under “api” folder. Create a file “user.model.js” in “models” folder. user.model.js: import mongoose from “mongoose”; const userSchema=new mongoose.Schema({ …

Install the database in the root folder not in the client folder npm i mongoose sign up on this website, choose …

If you are in the client folder, go back on the root, run command – cd.. Run command: npm init -y In …

Follow below given steps to crate a responsive menu bar or header component in React JS – Create a “component” folder in …

Here are steps to Create Pages and Define Routes in React JS – Step 1: Create a folder “pages” under src folder. …